By adopting the state-of-the-art AI technology and high-performance computing platforms, regardless of the environment, our intelligent fire-control system can achieve real-time detecting, locking, and tracking of stationary and moving targets on the ground and in the air. Its built-in ballistic computer automatically completes the ballistic calculation based on the motion characteristics of the locked target and the environmental parameters, and predicts the aiming area in real-time for shooters to achieve the first-round hit.

The system can actively detect human, drones and other types of targets.

The system actively detects all targets of the selected target type for shooters. The detected targets are shown with a highlight green rectangle.

After shooter chooses to lock one target actively detected by the system, the color of the rectangle framing the target turns red and other targets will be ignored. A yellow rectangle is displayed inside or next to the target, which is the predicted aiming area to the locked target.

The position of the aiming area is calculated in real-time referring to the environmental parameters and target motion characteristics. By adjusting the shooting posture, the shooter overlaps the predicted aiming area with the reticle and shoots. The system ensures the hit.

Intelligent Fire-control System
Automatically detect, lock and track static and moving ground and air targets at a distance of up to 600m
Real-time ballistic calculation
Accurate aiming area prediction ensures first round hit

Intelligent Weapon Station
Automatically scan battlefield and detect, lock and track static and moving ground and air targets at a distance of up to 600m
Autonomously launch strikes and ensure first round hit
Lightweight, quickly deployable; can be operated by only one person

Intelligent All-terrain Armed Robot
Automatically scan battlefield and detect, lock and track static and moving ground and air targets at a distance of up to 600m
Autonomously launch strikes and ensure first round hit
Outstanding barrier-crossing capabilities; adapted to variety road conditions of different combat scenarios

Intelligent All-terrain Armed Robot
Automatically scan battlefield and detect, lock and track static and moving ground and air targets at a distance of up to 600m
Autonomously launch strikes and ensure first round hit
Outstanding barrier-crossing capabilities; adapted to variety road conditions of different combat scenarios

Excellent optical and digital combination
Powerful practicability
Night vision mode

High definition infrared sensor
Various calibers available
Contact Us
Head Office
Room 102, Building 7, No.498 Guo Shou Jing Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech. Park, Shanghai, China
For product or cooperation inquiries, please send mail to:
UAE Office
2302, Addax Tower, Abu Dhabi, UAE